Embroidery and sewing ideas for the whole family
Autumn and winter are the cosiest times of the year and invite you to swing your embroidery or sewing needle.
The lovely animal families penned by Sophia Drescher show us how beautiful the winter and Christmas season are.
Wonderful embroidery and sewing instructions for young and old make this book a treasure trove of creative ideas
for a loving and cozy home. Cross-stitch motifs and download codes for digital embroidery files are included in the
book and set cheerful accents. The photographs are by Viktoria Egert. Her photographs tell stories, capture moments
and like to draw the viewer's eye to the little things that make life beautiful.
Favorite animal families on fabrics and embroidered make you want to winter and Christmas time.
Included in the book: cross-stitch embroidery and download codes for embroidery files
Textile designs for the whole family during the cosiest time of the year.
21.5 x 27 cm, hardcover, matt lamination, pattern sheet, 68 pages